2-1: Something to Ponder!


September 17, 2012 by Ms. Gunning

2-1: Something to Ponder!

Do you agree? How does this tie into our Self Esteem Unit?

16 thoughts on “2-1: Something to Ponder!

  1. Yasmeenlauzon says:

    I feel like this says that the opposite of joy is sad so it means that your self esteem is low but it can sometimes be high it depends on what the situation is.

  2. AlanaJones says:

    i think this has alot to do with your self esteem can be high with certain things you do in your life . Like if you get a really high mark on your project ., youll feel good so that your self esteem is high. but if you get a low mark your self esteem is high. like yasmeen said it does change with the situation .

  3. Alexi Milne says:

    I think no one will ever be truely happy if they continue to compare themselves to other people. Everyone is different in their own way. Comparing yourself to models is obviously going to bring down your self estem down because they are all air brushed and photoshopped.

  4. I think the picture that was posted this week “comparison is the thief of joy” is saying that the more we compare ourselves to others. The more our “high” self esteem is taken away. This realates to what we are talking/learning about in class is how we struggle to be happy with ourselves called “self-esteem”

  5. I totally agree with this statement. If you compare yourself with models and people in the magazines or on the T.V, then you are going to bring your self-esteem down. You feel like you’re not as good as them, and you will feel bad about yourself. I think that to love yourself you have to stop comparing yourself to others, and truly focus on yourself.

  6. Mickenzie Cody says:

    I believe this statement is very relevant because the fact of the matter is if you live your life comparing yourself to others and constantly feel like you’re not up to the standards causes a significant decrease in your self esteem. I read a great quote the other day that basically said its enough work trying to be yourself, don’t try being someone else too. It really stood out to me, especially after reading Roosevelt’s quote because as a teenage girl i feel that we get compared all the time; Not only by others but by ourselves as well. We’re trying to find out who we are and what we want to do with our lives and constantly telling ourselves our image isn’t good enough brings us down and that just adds more unnecessary stressers to our lives. If everyone could learn to love themselves for their strengths and their flaws and didn’t care about what others thought everyone’s self esteem would sky rocket.

  7. Sydney W says:

    I think this is sad and true that comparing people to something can make someone’s self
    Esteem very low

  8. alexscott says:

    i think as if this quote is very true, comparing yourself to others is a negative thing because everyone is different in there own way, and with the media also comparing, for example, america’s next top model, it also affect the ways you think. comparing yourself to others constantly can bring down your self esteem.

  9. I dont think anyone should compare themselves to others because they are taking away the independence of the other person and themsleves. People should be happy with the way they are and not wanna be like someone else and comapre them selves to others. comparing your self is a negative thing, everyone should want to be unique and diffrent not to be like what people say you should look like.

  10. Salina Kim says:

    I agree with the picture. Many people compare themselves to others or even some gets compared by their parents or friends to someone else. Being compared makes people feel bad even though their purpose was not to sound bad. It makes people feel that something is wrong with them and decrease the self esteem as well as their confidence. So it ends up getting away their joy of life.

  11. kristina says:

    I think compairison is what really hurts girls in soceity today. Girls are always getting compared to girls who are skinnier then them, to girls that are fatter than them. even girls compair themseleves to other girls. Everyone is different in there own way. Theres no reason we should be compared to anyone else.

  12. hallestadnik says:

    COOL. I just posted one and it deleted for some reason so here we go so I have to do this again… I personally think this quote is very true, because as human nature we are always feeling compared to others. We all have felt compared in some way. For example maybe one day you think you look good, and then you see another girl and you feel completely low and your self confidence drops because you maybe think you aren’t as pretty as her! Self esteem leads to a negative life, which takes your happiness away.

  13. I think this is quite interesting because its very true.During the day people go around thinking about how that girl is prettier, or the other girl is taller than you. That one guy has a nicer phone than you. It makes you feel bad. And i agree with Salina, Parents tend to compare you to people as well. Not trying to hurt your feeling but it does anyways. And even friends compare you to others sometimes as well, and it makes it really hard to be happy.

  14. Layne Minaker says:

    Girls tend to compare themelves to other people, and there will always be people who have something you dont have but you want, so you are going to be comparing what they have to what other people have, and if they dont have it, it only makes them crave it more and bring themselves down, therefore destroying the joy they had before.

  15. CaitlinR says:

    i personally feel like this is SO true. when you compare yourself to another person you never compare yourself to build your self esteem. its always to bring yourself down. i know personally because for example i will think i look so good in these new jeans i got, then ill get to school and see another girl having a way better outfit then me, and my confidence all of a sudden drops.

  16. haley guiel says:

    This i can agree on, Many girls including me, compare to other people , its brings down peoples self esteem and can take away good feelings you have towards yourself.

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