Monthly Archives: September 2012

  1. 2-2: …….for a girl?


    September 27, 2012 by Ms. Gunning

    2-2: .......for a girl?

    Why do we? Answer this question as best you can, refer to class resources!

  2. 2-1: ….. for a girl?


    September 27, 2012 by Ms. Gunning

    2-1: ..... for a girl?

    Why do we? Answer this question the best you can, refer to resources from class!

  3. 2-2: I Was Here


    September 21, 2012 by Ms. Gunning

    Answer one of the below questions or write about your general impressions about this video! What does the video mean to you? How is it relevant to the course? Do you like it? How is it specific to women?

  4. 2-1: I Was Here


    September 21, 2012 by Ms. Gunning

    Answer one of the below questions or write about your general impressions about this video! What does the video mean to you? How is it relevant to the course? Do you like it? How is it specific to women?

  5. 2-2: Something to Ponder!


    September 17, 2012 by Ms. Gunning

    2-2: Something to Ponder!

    Do you agree? How does this tie into our Self Esteem Unit?

  6. 2-1: Something to Ponder!


    September 17, 2012 by Ms. Gunning

    2-1: Something to Ponder!

    Do you agree? How does this tie into our Self Esteem Unit?

  7. 2-2 Self Esteem Builder or Blocker?


    September 11, 2012 by Ms. Gunning

    In June 2010, Urban Outfitters released this t-shirt with this description: “Eat less or more or however much you’d like …
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  8. 2-1: Self Esteem Blocker or Builder?


    September 11, 2012 by Ms. Gunning

    IIn June 2010, Urban Outfitters released this t-shirt with this description: “Eat less or more or however much you’d like …
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  9. Hello WGSS Students!


    September 9, 2012 by Ms. Gunning

    Welcome!  First things first, click the tab ABOUT to learn the rules and expectations of using this blog!  Then on …
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