2-1: Five Minutes of your life. Watch and Respond.


October 20, 2012 by Ms. Gunning

What does this have to do with our current adolescent inquiry? What is your opinion about this clip? What is your transforming thought having watched this?

12 thoughts on “2-1: Five Minutes of your life. Watch and Respond.

  1. yasmeenl says:

    This has to do with our current adolescent inquiry because teenage girls worry about gaining weight so to make sure they don’t they stop eating as much as they did before. My opinion about this clip is its reminding everyone that even thought someone calls you a name it shouldn’t affect you, you should only worry about what your family and close friends think.My transforming thought is it doesn’t matter if you are tall,short,fat,skinny were all the same we all go through the same things in life so it shouldn’t matter how people dress or look it should matter how they treat people and what kind of person they are on the inside.

  2. Alexi says:

    I think this lady had a lot of courage to speak about something she is obviously self conscious about . I agree with dont let one bad comment, get to you, when you have hundreds of good things being said. I think this has to do with our inquiry because it has to do with self image and the choices u make to deal with it .

  3. Salina Kim says:

    I think it is all true about what this lady is talking about. As internet and technology develops, people started to bully someone else by no name. But this might be more hurtful for some one who is being bullied, because internet is fast so everyone in the world is able to join the bullying only if they can read the story of it. Also i think this lady’s words would be very helpful for those who are bullied by others. And i hope teenage girls won’t concentrate only on their weight and how they look like.

  4. Danielle leblanc says:

    I think she had a lot of courage, it takes alot of courage to stick up for your self, especially now a days.

  5. annaking says:

    teen girls worry a lot about weight. this video shows that it does not connect to ones worth as this woman has a successful career and is extremely brave to tell her story.

  6. Alana jones says:

    it doesn’t matter you are who you are don’t let words bring you down or for that matter people who bring you don’t aren’t worth you time or your effort to be who you are. I know what it feels like growing up with a disability I have seen so much and herd so much. now when I hear it I don’t let it bother me! those words are meaning less to me. I don’t care if you want to say why are you using a computer to do your “think tank” it doesn’t phase me at all. I don’t care what you think I am me and my friends and family know I am just like each one of you it might take me longer but I can do it! we are all the same

  7. This ties in to our adolescence inquiry because so many teenage girls, and boys, feel that they are overweight. Mostly they only feel this way due to their peers, and attacks like these in the video. I think this lady had a lot of courage to speak in front of an entire country and express something as personal as this. As the lady said, the internet is becoming a weapon. People are too scared to tell people in person what they think so they do it online. My transforming thought after watching this video is that we need to do more to prevent this from happening. Not only are school children and teenagers getting harassed, but grown woman as well.

  8. Taryn P says:

    This girl had so much courage and i respect her for that. To stand up for yourself shows other people that you are a strong human being and that is amazing.

  9. Haley Guiel says:

    I feel that she was perfectly articulate, I also think she had great Confidence even when reciving this “hate mail” When she recived it she must have felt low of herself, but seeing how many people stood up for her i think her confidence is even higher then it was before reciving this. I got goosebumps from listening to her defend her words and other people who had also been attacked by bullies.

  10. I think that this must of taken alot of courage to go and talk about this “hate mail” that was sent to her… I think it’s a big step for someone that is in the public eye everyday to speak there mind about this issue of being bigger then the so called “society’s size” I think that it’s amazing at just how mean people can be to go out of there way to bully someone.

  11. Ms. Gunning says:

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  12. Mickenzie says:

    I believe this clip has a lot to do with our adolescence unit because this lady is speaking out against the stigma towards people overweight. Clearly this woman is very strong and has a lot of courage to admit getting such an email and standing up for herself on television against the bully. The reporter addresses the fact that hurtful words from bully’s, who are shielded by technology, are becoming such a large problem for adolescence in our generation. My transforming thought after watching this video is that our generation needs to be like this powerful lady and stand up to those who try to push us down and take into consideration who we can hurt by our choice of words.

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