2:1- Stigmatizing and Ignorance!


November 25, 2012 by Ms. Gunning

Watch this video – it is amazing. Then ponder our work around the vocabulary words stigma and ignorance. What are some examples this artist uses of how the gay community is both viewed through an ignorant view point – how are they stigmatized?


11 thoughts on “2:1- Stigmatizing and Ignorance!

  1. lminaker says:

    i actually like this song! it has a really good message!! The gay community is totally being stigmatized. people think its something of a choice and that it can be cured somehow. if a guy does something that society percieves as a bit feminine then that person is labelled as gay. its just not right how everyone is so judgemental. let everyone live their live the way they want to. there is no right or wrong. love is love.

  2. Yasmeen says:

    This video shows how people stigmatize gay people by saying that every gay person is a freak or a weirdo when really there still normal people. And the persons friend were showing ignorance by making fun of him liking men. Just because some likes the same sex as them doesn’t mean they are different in any way. And i agree with lminaker it is true how people should be able to live there life without worry about how people will see them.

  3. Mickenzie says:

    This video demonstrates an issue that not many artists are comfortable coming out about due to the stigma towards gay people and gay marriage. I believe because people aren’t as willing to learn about homosexuality they automatically have this mind set that they’re too different and fear that difference. I think Lminaker makes a very valid point that people often think being gay is something that can be cured when the fact of the matter is homosexuality is not an illness or a disease it is simply a preference. Everyone is entitled to their own preferences so why should something like being happy or loving someone be treated any different? In the video the boy brings his boyfriend home to meet his parents and you see his father is clearly upset, this is an example of ignorance because instead of ignoring it and loving his son for being his son he lets his anger and ignorance get the best of him. The man is still his son and always will be but his father has to be willing to accept him and understand that his happiness is more important. I think this video is truly inspiring because it not only shows that love prevails but that we can’t be afraid to be different and stand up those that may try and bring us down.

  4. This video shows how stigmatizing and ignorant people can really be in the world. lots of artists are not comfortable doing same sex music videos as the media will assume something thats not true when really they are just trying to support same sex relationships/marriges props to him for making a video that is really touching to others that do get judged for what they beleive in.

  5. haley guiel says:

    This video shows how ignorant people can be towards same sex , and other sexualities, and how lots of being have a lack of knowledge but still judge

  6. deeleblanc says:

    This video shows how ignorant and stigmatizing people are towards same sex couples and same sex marriage.

  7. This video shows how much people stigmatize gays. People judge and think its wrong all the time .This song has a really good message though about people stigmatizing others and maybe people will see the message in this song and stop judging so much.

  8. janaya says:

    Someone once said “if being gay is a choice, then when did you choose to be straight?” And its true. People think that liking the same sex is a choice people make, but it’s not. Who would choose to be judged by so many ignorant people in society, and hated on? That isn’t a choice. It’s the way you’re born. I think this song really explains that. It shows how society makes it so confusing for young people to determine their sexuality and it makes them think what they feel is wrong. Last weekend i got in trouble for saying lesbian, as if its a bad word. It’s not. People just don’t take the time to learn and understand other peoples feelings and opinions. Today’s world is extremely selfish when it comes to other peoples emotions. If it isn’t happening to them, they don’t care. It’s really hard to make ignorant people understand these types of things. My family is extremely homophobic, I’ve tried explaining things to them but they don’t understand. My mums the worst, she flat out thinks it’s gross. But love isn’t gross, it’s beautiful. I don’t understand how so many people don’t see that. I really hope this song makes people realize what a beautiful thing love is, no matter who it’s between.

  9. I totally agree with Janaya’s statement -being gay is not a choice. You can’t choose to like someone of the opposite sex if you’re not attracted to them. You don’t just wake up one day and think “I’m going to be gay”. Same sex couples get stigmatized because people think they’re weird, not liking the the opposite gender. People only act disapprovingly on gay people because they don’t understand how they feel. They haven’t been taught about how other peoples happiness matters too. Most people who don’t agree with same sex marriage are uneducated, ignorant, and selfish of their own happiness. How does someone elses choice in who they love change your life in any way?

  10. Alexi says:

    This song shows how people stigmaze gay people in a negative way and how ignorant people can be about other people’s sexuality . I think this is a powerful song

  11. Salina Kim says:

    This video is showing how gay people are treated negatively by others. One couple looked at gay couple in weird way. And in reality, people have stigmas about gay people that they are weird and abnormal people. But as the video says, no one chose to like same sex. So society must accept gay people and try to understand their situation, not looking at them with stigmas in our eyes and in disgusted way because most people are ignorant and don’t know well about them. Also this video made me to reflect myself about my own ignorance to gay people that I treated them in stigmatize way before I watched this video. I think it is really great.

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